Glamour Portraits Fashion
Freelance Photography rates
RATES: Commissions
Magazines category: A: large-circulation and glossy mags
Day rate - bigger-budget or demanding clients
GBP 800.00
Day rate - at least GBP 500.00
Half-day rate GBP 300.00
RATES: Commissions
Magazines category: B: smaller consumer mags
Day rate GBP 350.00
Half-day rate GBP 200.00
RATES: Commissions
Magazines category: C-D: trade and cheap specialist mags
Day rate GBP 300.00
Half-day rate GBP 175.00
Standard commission rates per magazine in the UK.

Below are our UK hourly guide rates:
Fashion: £20-25
Lingerie: £25-30
Topless: £25-30
Art Nude: £25-35
Glamour Nude: £30-40
Adult: £40-60
Below are the UK Studio hourly guide rates:
One hour: £20 - £35
Two hours: £35 - £55
Three Hours: £55 - £80
Half Day: £80 - £105
Full Day: £105 - £195
Glamour Photography hire rates
Based on a min of 2 hours booked
Freelance rate hire between A - D apply
Standard "Private"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ....... £50.00
2 X hours Studio hire ........................ £25.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £40.00
Total= £190.00
Standard "Publication shoot"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £80.00
2 X hours Studio hire ....................... £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £50.00
Total= £280.00
Glamour training 10h00 - 18h00..... £300.00
2 X Editing service £35.00
Workshop training X 3hrs £60.00
(Depending on size of group)
Transport cost will need to be covered
Rates negoitiable subject to hours booked
Portrait Photography hire rates
Based on a min of 2 hours booked
Freelance rate hire between A - D apply
Standard "Private"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ....... £50.00
2 X hours Studio hire ........................ £25.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £40.00
Total= £190.00
Standard "Corporate portrait"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £80.00
2 X hours Studio hire ....................... £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £50.00
Total= £280.00
1 X Corporate portrait .................... £60.00
Corporate profile ............................ £300.00
Company website .......................... £300.00
Both .......................... £450.00
2 X Editing service £35.00
(Depending on size of group)
Transport cost will need to be covered
Rates negoitiable subject to hours booked
Fashion Photography hire rates
Based on a min of 2 hours booked
Freelance rate hire between A - D apply
Standard "Private"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ....... £50.00
2 X hours Studio hire ........................ £25.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £40.00
Total= £190.00
Standard "Publication shoot"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £80.00
2 X hours Studio hire ....................... £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £50.00
Total= £280.00
Location: A / B / C /D £300.00 - £500.00
2 X Editing service £35.00
Workshop training X 3hrs £70.00
(Depending on size of the publication)
Transport cost will need to be covered
Rates negoitiable subject to hours booked
Magazine Photography rates
Magazines category: A
Large-circulation and glossy magazines
Cover GBP 480.00
Double-page spread GBP 420.00
Full page GBP 295.00
1/2 page GBP 140.00
1/4 page GBP 95.00
1/8 page GBP 80.00
Magazines category: B
Smaller consumer magazines
Cover GBP 325.00
Double-page spread GBP 295.00
Full page GBP 210.00
1/2 page GBP 120.00
1/4 page GBP 85.00
1/8 page GBP 75.00
Magazines category: C-D
Trade and cheap specialist magazines
Cover GBP 250.00
Double-page spread GBP 235.00
Full page GBP 180.00
1/2 page GBP 100.00
1/4 page GBP 70.00
1/8 page GBP 60.00
Standard rates per magazine in the UK.
Corporate Advertising Fine Art

Corporate Photography hire rates
Based on a min of 2 hours booked
Freelance rate hire between A - D apply
Standard "Hourly rate"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ....... £70.00
Image usage charge ........................ £60.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £40.00
Total= £240.00
Standard "Corporate portrait"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £80.00
2 X hours attendance hire .............. £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £50.00
Total = £280.00
1 X Corporate portrait .................... £60.00
Corporate profile ............................ £300.00
Company website .......................... £300.00
Both .......................... £450.00
Employee portraits ......................... £300.00
Brochure images ............................ £300.00
News letter ..................................... £200.00
Products .......................................... £300.00
Sales & Marketing .......................... £300.00
Corporate Package All above +
editing & full copyright Total = £1500.00
2 X Editing service £35.00
(Depending on size of group)
Transport cost will need to be covered
Rates negoitiable subject to hours booked
Price list 3. click to edit me
Click here to edit me.
List the services included in this package:
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Service 5
Does it come with any free extras
.............................................. $100.99
Fine Art Photography hire rates
Based on a min of 2 hours booked
Freelance rate hire between A - D apply
Standard "Private"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ....... £50.00
2 X hours Studio hire ........................ £25.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £40.00
Total= £190.00
Standard "Publication shoot"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £80.00
2 X hours Studio hire ....................... £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £50.00
Total= £280.00
Deluxe "Gallery & Print"
2 X hours hire of Photographer ...... £90.00
2 X hours Studio hire ....................... £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £60.00
Total= £310.00
Commssioned Fine art
2 X hours hire of Photographer ......£150.00
2 X hours Studio hire ........................ £35.00+
1 X Editing images.............................. £80.00
Total= £450.00
Fine Art: training 10h00 - 18h00..... £300.00
2 X Standard Editing service £35.00
Workshop training X 3hrs £60.00
(Depending on size of group)
Transport cost will need to be covered
Rates exclude printing costs
Rates negoitiable subject to hours booked

Mobile: (+44) 07733117207
England, United Kingdom
Qualified & Accredited
Journalist, Proofreader and editor, Copywriter, Web editor,
SEO, Digital and Social media Marketing